I'm Ori Raisfeld, A fullstack developer, I started programming 2 years ago in 2021.
I started with 0 knowlage, by simply writing "python" into youtube during school, while creating my first application, I learned how fun and difficult can creating apps.
I am currently studying at Chamama Highschool and trying to get a B.A in The open University.
This is the highschool I am currently studying in. I used project based learning with lanauges like python, rust, and typescript in order to create fullstack applications and deploy them. All projects in this website (and this website) were made this way.
This is my University where I learn Computer sciecnce. Alongside learning mathmetics and alogrithms, I also made many connections and friends. My goal is to get a B.A in CS, and I have already completed a couple courses.
My first ever job. I programmed with React (javascript) for frontend and strapi for backend. I had to work on both the frontend and the backend, and I completed many pages and components entirely on my own.